August 13, 2012

Hot August Days...

I'm back home after spending five delightful days with my daughter and granddaughters in Illinois.  I got really lucky with the weather.  It had been in the mid 90s before I arrived - hotter than Naples!  It cooled down to the mid 80s and even the 70s while I was there - perfect!

I haven't seen my daughter, Jennifer, in more than a year.  She is a dear and we always have a great time together.  We took the girls (Emily and Abby) to the forest preserve for a little outing.
Emily on left - Abby on right

Tuesday found us in Geneva.  I took this photo of my reflection in a shop window.  "The Little Traveler" is a cool old house converted into a shop with a rabbit warren of rooms - each devoted to something different - jewelry, clothing, crystal, kitchenware, bath - you get the idea!
Jennifer is a good sport.  She posed with me in the yard.  Oh boy - we took a ton of pictures!  I had a scare too.  I thought it would be a good idea to download the photos to her computer.  Her technology didn't match my memory card.  I could not load the photos to her computer or printer.  When I put the card back in my camera, a message popped up saying the card was corrupted - yikes!  Thankfully, once I got home and put the card in my computer, it downloaded fine and my camera is happy too!
Emily is 14.  She's very creative - just like her mom!  She likes to make jewelry.  Here I'm wearing a ring she made for me out of duct tape - who knew!
You may wonder what happened to August 10.  I was flying home that day and didn't think to take any photos.  I was so happy to get to the airport without any problems.  I am not used to driving on the expressways - and at rush hour - oh my!  It was a stressful drive to say the least.

Richard and I on our usual Saturday night picnic on the beach.  We eat in the gazebo at Lowdermilk Park followed by a beach walk.  We have enjoyed this Saturday night ritual for years.
Sunday morning crossword and Jumble.  The Jumble is not usually a problem for me.  The Sunday crossword - forget about it!

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