March 13, 2013

the Good, Bad and the Ugly - Keeps Popping Up!

Week 11 of Life Book 2013 is led by Michelle Kral.  We are making a pop-up page around the theme "the Good, the Bad and the Ugly."  Michelle is quite the character and says it is okay to admit our shortcomings.

We  all do it, don't we - gossip (maybe a little)  and keep our ugly shortcomings (secrets) to ourselves...never admiting we have faults.  Please tell me we all do it...please!!

My process making the journal page.
My first pop up page ever - I have never created one before - how about you?

The bad and the ugly (outside page)
The devil in me is enjoying gossip more than I'd like to admit! and secrets - give me a break!

The good (inside page)
The blue bird of happiness; taking time to smell the flowers - allowing myself to feel HAPPY!

Linking to:


Mommy Evolution said...

Happy WW. Thanks for linking up with The Jenny Evolution and Wordless Wednesday Bloggers. Don't forget about the Friday Flash Blog on my site. See you then!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So fun! Yes we all indulge in those naughty things once in a while, aren't we human? It's good to remind ourselves to focus on the good qualities of life and close that page on the bad. Great artwork - it really tells a story! xx

betty-NZ said...

It's always good to have reminders of the things we shouldn't do. Congrats on the courage to make a popup book page!

Anonymous said...

I love your pop-up page! I think we all have a good, bad and ugly side in us...but I am most happy when my good side leads.

Katherines Corner said...

naughty naughty, giggle. I adore the pop up book. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo