December 31, 2012

December 19, 2012

Hard at work...

It takes me an average of 3 months to complete a large quilt (50x50).  This piece is coming along nicely.  One day, when it's finished, I'll show you the whole picture!

December 11, 2012


It was a hard fought Ebay battle - lots of back and forth bidding - but I won!  These are only a few of the shoe forms I added to my collection.  I could not hold them all in my hands.   I use these gems for doll feet - so much fun!

December 7, 2012


This week's theme for My Town Shoot Out is "Introduce a Friend".

Betty Keigler is one of my favorite people.  She is my art buddy.  We traipse about town once a month (or more) going to galleries and outdoor spaces looking for inspiration.  We're also in the same book club.

Here we are at Naples Bay

Betty's studio.
Betty loves painting - watercolors and oils - oils being her medium of choice.

Plein aire
We spent the better part of a morning down at the bay.  I took photos while Betty sketched.

A treasured gift.  
A lovely watercolor of a scene from Betty's recent trip to New Mexico.